Midway Chapter Studebaker Drivers Club
About the Midway Chapter SDC
About the Midway Chapter SDC
Midway Studebaker Pictures
Upcoming Events For Studebaker Drivers
Handy Studebaker Links
Contact Us

The Midway Chapter of the Studebaker Driver's Club is comprised of Studebaker enthusiasts in Western and Central Kansas, and is a member of the Studebaker Driver's Club, Intl. - the international organization of Studebaker enthusiasts.
The Midway Chapter usually meets at 2PM on the 3rd Sunday of each month, unless other events are planned. Meeting locations are usually announced in the Midway Chapter newsletter, "The Studebaker Special" - which is included in membership. Meeting locations are also listed on this website.
Midway Chapter annual dues are $12, with memberships running from February to January. New members pay prorated dues from the month they joined, plus next years dues. Advance annual dues are also accepted. YOU MUST belong to the international Studebaker Driver's Club to become a Midway Chapter member.
You do not need to own a Studebaker to become a member of either the local or international SDC's - merely have an interest in Studebakers and their history. If you would like to know more about joining the Studebaker Driver's Club (local or international), please contact the Webmaster for the Midway Chapter at the following email address.